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If there is a silver lining, you’ll find it in low Austin mortgage rates today, tomorrow, and well into the 3rd quarter

Overall, the report does nothing to instill confidence in economic growth. Matter of fact, it’s started a new group of traders and investors fanning the fires of a double dip recession. Bill Gross is now calling for unemployment to go over 10% in the coming months. If there is a silver lining, you’ll find it in low Austin mortgage rates today, tomorrow, and well into the 3rd quarter.

USDA UPDATE: In a nut shell, the USDA program is out of money (except for disaster funds in a few areas)

USDA UPDATE: In a nut shell, the USDA program is out of money (except for disaster funds in a few areas). The Senate now has three competing bills so the work out process has begun. Nothing scheduled on the Senate floor so this could take some time. USDA issued guidance stating that they would issue condition commitments so we could proceed with the loan process but not close until the program was funded. USDA has now pulled that guidance to issue conditional commitments. As you can see, this is a mess. Investors such as Chase, etc. will not take locks unless you have a conditional commitment or are in a county that has adequate disaster funds available as they see this as hedging a “phantom” pipeline.

Today’s early trade pushed treasuries to higher yields and worsened mortgage pricing, but only slightly

oday’s early trade pushed treasuries to higher yields and worsened mortgage pricing, but only slightly. That occurred on a flat to slightly higher open for the Dow. Currently, the big board is off 68 points as sellers are still looking for any strength to get out. Reasons being that as Greece is on the edge of the cliff, global slowing will occur or even worse, a default in the Euro zone that could really put a pinch on global credit and stock earnings.

Greece is the word

When something happens to change the dynamics of the Euro fiasco, we will see a reversal of fortune in mortgage pricing. The economic fundaments of our country just don’t support lower Austin mortgage rates.

SEC has charged Goldman Sachs with fraud on subprime loans

In breaking news, the SEC has charged Goldman Sachs with fraud on subprime loans. John Paulson (Paulson and Co.) seems to have been in the mix as well, selecting specific subprime securities and then shorting (betting against the security) with CDO’s through credit default swaps. It’s complicated and not a good situation for Paulson and Goldman. By the way, their stock is off $23.00 while the Dow is off over $100.00.