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What’s Going On With Texas Mortgage Rates?

After reaching the lowest levels in history, Texas mortgage rates have shot higher over the past two weeks. There is not a simple explanation for why this increase in Texas mortgage rates occurred, but looking at the many factors which are influencing Texas mortgage rates right now will help to understand what's going on.

Currency wars is what this is all about and the Fed is getting exactly what it hoped for, consumer expectations of rising inflation to shut the door on deflation

Currency wars is what this is all about and the Fed is getting exactly what it hoped for, consumer expectations of rising inflation to shut the door on deflation. This was evidenced in last week’s Michigan Sentiment Survey. With QE2 priced in “before” it happened and the negative connotations mentioned above, treasuries have continued to be slaughtered, sending credit costs higher, doing nothing to stimulate the economy. Look for the Fed to try and talk rates back down.

New York Federal Reserve are seeking ways to force B of A to buy back mortgage backed securities to the tune of 47 billion

According to a Bloomberg news story, PIMCO (bond fund), Blackrock (hedge fund), and the New York Federal Reserve are seeking ways to force B of A to buy back mortgage backed securities to the tune of 47 billion. Reason given; due to credit quality and the failure by Countrywide to properly service loans, they have lost value – “soured.” What else is new.