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Currency wars is what this is all about and the Fed is getting exactly what it hoped for, consumer expectations of rising inflation to shut the door on deflation

Currency wars is what this is all about and the Fed is getting exactly what it hoped for, consumer expectations of rising inflation to shut the door on deflation. This was evidenced in last week’s Michigan Sentiment Survey. With QE2 priced in “before” it happened and the negative connotations mentioned above, treasuries have continued to be slaughtered, sending credit costs higher, doing nothing to stimulate the economy. Look for the Fed to try and talk rates back down.

Enjoy the historic low Austin mortgage rates

Any where here, current mortgage pricing or a little better is a good place for borrowers to lock in their Austin mortgage interest rates. Any reversal in stocks will simple reverse our direction and take the market to the lower part of the range. Enjoy the historic low Austin mortgage rates.

A tug of war for Austin mortgage interest rates seems in the cards

Austin mortgage rates and pricing can go one way or the other in short order but most likely hold steady at current levels. Best to stay on defense as stocks certainly look better, Europe looks better, and the Federal Reserve Chairman hints of Fed Funds rate hikes sooner than later. Personally, we like the chart (better chance of lower Austin mortgage rates/better pricing) but the fundamentals (economic data) points to a steady recovery. A tug of war for Austin mortgage interest rates seems in the cards.