Finish strong!…Ways to boost business at the end of the year.
There’s just a few weeks left before the close of the year, but that’s plenty of time to finish up strong. Here are a half a dozen ideas that can help you get more out of this year AND set you up for even bigger success in 2010.
1. Write up your client success stories. What were your biggest successes this year? Write them up (anonymously, or get the client’s permission) and put them on your website and send them out in emails. Also send them as press releases to the local media and both paid and free online press release services, such as and
2. Get client testimonials. Ask clients to email you a sentence or two about their experience working with you. Don’t be afraid to prompt them about what to say. Use these quotes on your website, in emails, print mailers or ads and work them into your success stories (#1 above). But check out the new FTC guidelines on testimonials and endorsements here.
3. Contact your top 25 clients in the next 30 days. Now is a great time to thank clients for their business and ask what they’d like to see from you in the coming year. This is also an opportunity to ask if you can help them get something done by year end. Email them but also connect on their social networks, like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. And do ask for a referral.
4. Run a webinar. Pick a hot topic and email an invitation to clients and prospects. Offering free access can capture interested leads. Record the webinar and sell downloads to those who can’t attend.
5. Send a Thanksgiving email. Share all that you’re grateful for, which of course includes your clients. Tell why you appreciate the people who hire you.
6. Follow up your year-end business. Follow up the business you get with an email asking why the client chose you and how satisfied she was with your work. When you get the answer, ask for permission to quote it. Then kick off your 2010 marketing by using these testimonials in emails, print mailers, ads and on your website.
Most of these ideas can work any time of the year — look at them again in a few months. They’re all pretty easy to do, so pick one or two and take your best shot at ending 2009 BIG!
… Have a great month! |