Wanted to get you out a quick heads up as fast market conditions as pressing the market (selling). Currently, the 10 year note is off 14/32’s to yield 3.81% while current coupon MBS are off 8/32’s. Since we priced near unchanged, chances of a worsening price are not if but when. Despite a firm close above the 8 day moving average, selling is threatening revive the bear trend. Very tricky market.
Since we priced near unchanged, chances of a worsening price are not if but when
About the Author: Max Leaman Austin Mortgage
Great Rates, Low Fees, Close on Time® – (800) 301-3405
Since 2001, Leaman Team has helped clients to purchase, refinance and renovate. The biggest distinction between lenders is their honesty, customer service, and ability to close on time.