16 billion of 30 year bonds changed hands at a yield 4.469%, bid to cover 2.26 to 1 (average 2.45 to 1), indirect bidders took 44% of the paper, and the final yield on a price weighted basis created a 3.5 bps tail (not so hot). Overall, we’ll give this one a C. Fast money traders sold the market post auction but currently, we are making a comeback. Mortgage levels are now unchanged from pre-auction levels with only the 30 year note underwater (down 11/32’s).
Mortgage levels are now unchanged from pre-auction levels
About the Author: Max Leaman Austin Mortgage
Great Rates, Low Fees, Close on Time® – (800) 301-3405
Since 2001, Leaman Team has helped clients to purchase, refinance and renovate. The biggest distinction between lenders is their honesty, customer service, and ability to close on time.